Author Andra Watkins Speaks to Rotary
It was a pleasant late-summer day, in the high 60s.
Lunch fare consisted of London broil, grilled salmon, veggies, potatoes, and a nice tiramisu dessert.
In attendance were 19 Lexington Rotarians 2 visiting Rotarians, for a total of 21. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Yanira B., the First Verse of America by Charlie V., and the Invocation was given by PDG Jack M.
Raffle gifts were donated by Assistant District Governor Amy L., Arlex Oil, PP Bill C., PP Don M., and Eagle Bank.
Happy dollars donated by:
- PDG Jack M for a nice summer’s vacation.
- PP Don M. accompanying his proposal to have one of the Rotary women lead the Welcome Song.
- PP Frank S. celebrating accompanying his daughter Jade to Rotterdam and Amsterdam where she will be doing medical research work; congratulations on any awards she has won; he also attended a meeting of the Rotary Club of Rotterdam.
- PP Spencer B. in celebration of 20 years of marriage and his son’s hitting his first home run in Little League.
- President Dan O. for his recent vacation in the Poconos; he had quite a “black bear story” he shared with us.
- PP Nick C. gave happy dollars because they were burning a hole in his pocket!
- Sunday,October 6 – PDG Bob Woods life to be celebrated 3 – 6 PM, at Seaglass in Salisbury, MA. President Dan and PP Murry A. will attend and represent our club.
- Monday, October 7 meeting will be at the Minuteman High School, with the Board of Directors having their meeting at 11 AM; to be announced whether it will be at the old MM or the new MM High School.
- Disaster Relief Fund by Rotary International (RI) to help the folks in the Bahamas who suffered so much from Hurricane Dorian. All Club members are being asked to make contributions, and our club will match up to $1,000 in the contributions.
- Meagan M. reviewed the sign-ups for the Senior Barbecues to be on Tuesday, September 24 at Countryside Village, Wednesday, September 25 at Vynebrook Village, and Thursday, September 26 at Greely Village.

PP Spencer B. introduced our guest speaker, Andra Watkins. Andra has written several books, some of which have made the New York Times bestseller list. One of her books, "Not Without My Father", refers to a journey she took on the Natchez Trace Route, the same route in the South taken by Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark explorers, who also went to the Pacific Northwest and helped expand our country westward. Lewis was a scientist, loving animals, biology, and natural studies. Clark was an artist, and had much to do in drawing out their maps for travel. Andra was interested in Meriwether Lewis specifically, and in addition to his suicide, also about the journey he took on the Natchez Trace Route, through three states in the South: Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. This route, by the way, is about 10,000 years old, and today is a parkway, a 444 mile long recreational road and scenic drive. Andra was determined to walk that very same 444 mile long route, just as Meriwether Lewis had done, and she described that most difficult journey she undertook. At times she felt very desperate and wanted to give up; at one time, she was so worn down, she fell asleep in a field of daffodils, and when she awoke, she saw the beauty around her, and was inspired to finish the journey, and she did. She had asked several people to accompany her on that journey, and it was finally her 80 your old father who did. This was to be and ended up being a very difficult journey because of his age, and also because, as his daughter, of what she was aware regarding the type of man that he was and his limitations. She was determined! In the end, they completed the difficult journey together. Andra pointed out that for her if you want to do something, do it! Despite the physically and mentally difficult journey that it was, Andra is glad she did it, especially together with her dad. She very wisely said, “ ‘I wish I could’ turned into ‘I’m glad I did it’ ”. She ended by saying, if you have a wish or a dream, do it, so as to not regret later in life for not doing it. A most inspiring talk by our guest speaker!
Respectfully Submitted,
PP Murry A.