Posted by Steve Kirkland on Aug 12, 2019

Short Bulletin for Shorter-than-the-Shortest Meeting.

Sunny day.
Mexican style chicken rice and bean was one entrée; fish, rice, broccoli medley was the other.  Of course there was salad stuff, and cookies and fruit for dessert.
Eleven Rotarians and one guest were present.  Guest was Past-President Paul Thibeault of the Burlington Club – a frequent visitor.
Pledge by I don’t remember.
One verse of America led by Charlie V.
Welcome song by President Dan.
Happy Dollars given by:
  • Charlie for being up front.
  • Pres. Dan for his 54th wedding anniversary on Wednesday the 14th.
  • Veronica for her 3 weeks in Italy.
  • P.P. Bill C. for being with good people and because he was announcing the return of the 3rd Grade Challenge; don’t miss it in two weeks!
  • Happy Dollars were given for P.P. Lori and her hard work fund raising to fight breast cancer; she was spotted in her pink suit with ears at the local Market Basket.
  • Pres. Dan again for the great time at the incredible Lowell Spinners game.
  • P.P. Don was late.
  • To P.P. Michelle for filling for P.P. Dan as Treasurer and to Charlie who was acting Secretary for the day.
Raffle gifts:
  • Donated by Bob C., Arlex Oil,  Eagle Bank, and Youville. 
  • Won by Veronica, P.P. Domenic, P. Dan gave his to guest Paul who then won a prize of his own.
One Announcement:  Senior cookout will be held as usual, in late September, at three locations.
Fifty/Fifty: $35 won by P.P. Domenic.
Meeting adjourned at 12:45p.m. sharp.