Posted by Domenic Sicari on Jun 17, 2019

Amy Sbihili Therapist of “Orthopaedics Plus.”

On a warm, sunny spring day, 18 Rotarians and 3 guests met at the Lexington Golf Club with P Michelle G. presiding.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by PP Domenic, Verse of America was led by P.P Murry. , PP Don Sherman cited the invocation, the welcome song was by PSA Charlie V..The food was fantastic as usual, consisting of fish, steak, salad, vegetables, and deserts.
Our President Michelle G. led the meeting to order and welcomed everyone attending.
Fines and Happy Dollars
Veronica gave Happy Dollars for bringing her daughter Alessia to our Rotary meeting as a guest.
PP Dan O. gave Happy Dollars for his and his wife’s birthdays. (They are on the same day !! )
Bob C. gave Happy Dollars for a great Comedy Night.
Cleve gave Happy Dollars for Alessia Caira’s volunteer work.
P.P. Dan B.  gave Happy Dollars for a great first Father’s Day for his son Andrew.
P Michelle G. announced the money that we raised and collected during our Holiday Party was donated to Jody Marchand of “The Live for Liv Foundation.”
Our new President Installation Diner will take place on Monday, June 24th at our usual time and place. (Congratulations to our outgoing President Michelle for a great job ! )
Donations were from Village Automotive, P.P. Dan Olsen, and the Rotary Club of Concord, and Eagle Bank.
On speaker was Amy Sbihili Therapist of “Orthopaedics Plus.”
Amy is a resident of Lexington. Amy’s love of exercise and mind-body wellness turned into her lifelong career in physical therapy. Her training began at the University of Michigan (Go Blue!) as a student-athlete. She earned a degree in Kinesiology and high honors in NCAA Cross Country and Track. Later she left Ann Arbor, MI and moved to St Louis, MO to further her  studies in Physical Therapy. Next she attained her Masters and later her Doctoral degrees at Washington University. These two schools taught her how to combine the orthopedic and neurological systems in a way to improve functional movement treatment approaches to patient care.
She found a special interest in Pilates and manual orthopedic spine treatments before learning about the Schroth Method for treatment of scoliosis. Since 2005, she has traveled back and forth to Spain, Italy, and Germany learning the method as it has evolved. With it, she has combined all her areas of training to work almost exclusively with people of all ages who have scoliosis and related conditions.
Her company web site is:
Her email is:
President Michelle G. rang the bell and our meeting was ended.
The 50/50 was by P.P. Spencer The winning number was 722925. The amount was $45.00