Posted by Jim Shaw on May 07, 2018

Lively Meeting on a Beautiful Day

On a sunny and beautiful spring day, twenty Lexington Rotarians and one guest (visiting Rotarian Chief Paul Thibault of Burlington) enjoyed a delicious lunch consisting of eggplant parmesan, cold cut platter, green beans, salad, wedding soup and dessert. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by PP John O'Donnell, one verse of America was led by PP Frank Smith, the invocation was led by PP Don Sherman, and the Welcome Song was supposed to be led by PSA Charlie Vail.  However, president Lori skipped the Welcome Song and moved directly to announcements.  PP Jim S. (that would be me) pointed out this atrocity and was promptly rewarded with a request to sing it alone.  I did (and the crowd roared!). Hey, this is a guy who wore a ratty old wig in front of 300 people.  You think singing a song all alone is punishment?  I think not.
Happy dollars and fines were paid by PP Don Sherman, PP Dan Busa and PP Frank Smith for the extraordinary singing of the Welcome Song, PP Domenic Sicari for a trip to Aruba and a great social night event, PP Frank for four special outings with friends and family, and Bob Cunningham for a trip to New Mexico to visit an ailing friend.  PP Jim Freehling called for a fine from PP Jim Shaw for misspelling the word Comody in a Chamber promotion of Comody Night.
President Lori updated the club on a candidate that the club has sponsored for RYLA, and a donation to the Lexington Historical Society.  She also promoted a raffle by the Bedford Rotary Club, and announced the two upcoming sports nights at Minuteman and Lexington High School.
She announced that our next meeting will be the annual Scholarship Luncheon saying that fifteen recipients will be on hand to receive scholarships.  She also announced that the club will be co-hosting a reception with Concord Rotary at the Bedford VA in honor of Memorial Day, and that the annual installation of new officers will be held on June 18th. Please respond to the invitations that have been sent out.
President Lori also announced that due to golf outings at the Lexington Club, meetings on June 4th and July 2nd will be held at a location to be determined.
Raffle prizes were donated by Busa Wine & Spirits, Colonial Times, Burlington Rotary, Walpole Cooperative Bank and Bob Cunningham.
The 50/50 raffle was won by PP Jim Freehling, who took home $60,000 ($60).  Someone alert the IRS.
Respectfully submitted,
PP Jim S