Acting President Spencer Conducts Record Breaking Meeting

On a temperate, but cloudy, 45 degree day, 19 Rotarians and Jordan, gathered for a delicious lunch, catered by Neillio’s.
Today’s fare was pasta with meatballs, assorted salads and sandwiches, and mini (guilt free) cupcakes.
VP Cleve C led the pledge; Charlie V the first verse of America; past president Murry an impromptu, but inspiring invocation.
Fine and Happy Dollars
  • PP Michelle G and PP John O’D were fined for sitting together (as bankers), so PP Michelle donated some happy dollars.
  • PP Murry gave one happy dollar, as he was the only dentist at his table.
  • Bob C contributed for his new car, a Ford station wagon?
  • Charlie gave happy dollars for his birthday.
The Polar Plunge is 2/29/20. PP Lori is plunging. A carpool will be leaving the Golf Club at 8:30 am, heading up to Gloucester to cheer her on.
Chef Patty was operated on last Friday, after her horrible collision with a 4 legged missile. She broke the leg bone just beneath the knee and displaced her kneecap. She was plated with screws, etc., and will be in an elaborate brace for six weeks. After that, crutches. She will be out at least ten weeks. Neillio’s will cater our lunches at the Golf Club. Flowers were sent.
A donation was made to celebrate the 75th anniversary of World War 2, and to recognize those soldiers who were Lexington residents, whose lives were lost.
Coming up:
  • March meeting at Minuteman High School - March 16th
  • Joint meeting with the Concord Club - April 13th (Possibly at Minuteman High School)
Weekly raffle winners:
  • PP Don M
  • PP Lori M (Charlie V’s ticket- a reward for today’s bulletin)
  • VP Cleve C
  • Steve K
  • PP Lori (her own ticket)
Yanira B won the 50/50. It was 45 dollars